Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Youth Story: "I was Handcuffed to a Desk for 6 Hours"

This comment was made on a Facebook post about a complaint made by youth about mistreatment at Valley of the Moon Children's Home.

It says, "Portia its good you didnt experience the bad of valley. I worked in a group home with recent kids from valley and many including myself experienced some really bad situations from the staff. I dont know the commenter is above or what they stand for... but I am glad there is a light being shined on the situation. If they are innocent the court will find that. I was handcuffed to a desk for 6 hours when I was there for being upset over my sibling being taken from me. I didn't harm staff or myself. I simply did not comply when I was told to do some activity I sat in the common room. Instead of taking the time to help me though feelings, they got frustrated and dragged me to the front office and was handcuffed to the desk where I cried until I passed out from sadness and exhausten. I am not part of this class action, and this is the first of it I am hearing. Some staff members though are completely burned out and kids deserve better then that. I also had staff who really helped me there. The legal system will work its way to the truth either way. ."

This comment was taken from a public Facebook page. We have made them private because we think people should have the right to decide where they tell their story with their name. 
Press Democrat Complaint Facebook Post

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