Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Even After Being Cited for Locking Children in Rooms, Staff Still Think They Can Exercise That Option

Valley of the the Moon Children’s Home was cited by the state for using mechanical locks to lock children in rooms, called separation or quiet rooms, on February 25, 2011.

On March 4, 2011 a child we call Nicole was restrained and taken to the Quiet Room. Staff member Antonio Campos’ written report of the incident reads, “Resident was able to stay in the quiet room without having staff to lock the door.”

The only logical inference from Campos’ comment is that circumstances exist under which the door would have been locked and in order for a door to be locked the door has to be equipped with lock.

Just days after being cited for locking children in rooms, staff were able to exercise the option to lock children in rooms.

Why was Nicole locked in a room? She sat under a tree. Staff threatened to "go hands on" which is a threat to use a restraint if she did not comply. She said she would call the police if they did because they can't use restraints in that situation. She was right.

Restraints can only be used when the child presents an immediate danger. Sitting under a tree - that is not an immediate danger.

She was restrained because she refused to go with the staff. They grabbed her and dragged her to the locking room. They say they didn't have to lock her in because she didn't try to leave.

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