Friday, October 31, 2014

You Are Brave - We Believe You - For People Who Read the Flyer and Scanned the QR Code

 You Are Brave

Thank you reading our flyer and taking the time to check us out. We believe you. We lived the abuse too. You are not alone. We will keep your story confidential.  Your courage and effort will help stop the abuse.
Check out this blog or contact us today. 
Call or Text: (707) 780-2363
Do not tweet, blog, or facebook confidential information.  
We are not associated with the county or the state.   
Some participants may be eligible for compensation.

Valley of the Moon Children's Home Abuse Machine

9 Year Olds Trying To Kill Themselves While Locked in Room at Valley of the Moon Children's Home

Close Valley of the Moon Children's Home and Stop the Abuse

How Abuse at Valley of the Moon Children's Home Happened

How Much Does VOMCH Cost: $26,000 Per Child Per Month

"Staff Always Hurt Us" - 11 Year Old Resident

I Want to Die - What Resident's Say

Tree of Outcomes at Valley of the Moon Children's Home

What do residents say? I would rather die than be at VOMCH.